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Student Support Structure including career path support

With student support provided by the Office of Student Counselling, Employment, and Career Path Support, a 100% employment rate remains guaranteed as was the case previously particularly for students of doctoral programs—in most cases, the Deployer to start up a business; the Innovator to work for a private company; and the Investigator to pursue a career in academia. The Office, in cooperation with the Public Relations Office, the Industry-Academia Collaboration Office, the International Collaboration Office, and the program participating companies, explores organizations to accept students. In addition, the offices assist students in not only finding a job at a large or renowned company, but also becoming a candidate for an executive position at a start-up that has the potential to become a leading Japanese company in the future, or becoming an entrepreneur themselves.

As a way of supporting enrolled students, panel discussions and other meetings are organized to allow them to exchange views interactively with their senior Deployers, Innovators or Investigators already actively working at universities, prominent firms or start-up companies. Such opportunities will help the students maintain and increase their motivation and at the same time raise their awareness of their own future direction. In addition, with the support of the Center for Student Counseling and the active use of SNS, online interviews, and other IT technologies, the students enrolled can easily contact and seek advice from any of the many Investigators who are available within the campus and active on the front lines. Leveraging this well-organized structure, the DII Collaborative Program strives to produce doctoral degree holders whom all the students long to emulate, and bring about a revolution in the rigid, uniform employment situation in the country.

Financial Support to Program Students

Program students will be provided with financial support to ensure an environment that allows them to concentrate on the program and research activities. In addition, excellent plans originating from program students will be awarded grants for the encouragement of research.